Photographer of Gardens, Food and People – Behind the scenes
We had our annual @gdnmediaguild awards event on Friday evening and I was delighted to be named Garden Photographer of the Year 2021. Thank you so much to all my clients that have kept me busy over the last year ….#garden #gmgawards #gmgawards2021 #gardenphotography #gardenphotographer #gardenphotographeroftheyear #pietoudolf #montydon #gardenersworld #gardenersworldmagazine #gardensillustrated #gardensillustratedmagazine #hepworthwakefield #oudolffield #tomstuartsmith #whichgardening #whichgardeningmagazine #malverleys #matreese #rhs #rhsbridgewater
2 thoughts on “We had our annual @gdnmediaguild awards event on Friday evening and I was delighted to be named Garden Photographer of the Year 2021. Thank you so much to all my clients that have kept me busy over the last year ….#garden #gmgawards #gmgawards2021 #gardenphotography #gardenphotographer #gardenphotographeroftheyear #pietoudolf #montydon #gardenersworld #gardenersworldmagazine #gardensillustrated #gardensillustratedmagazine #hepworthwakefield #oudolffield #tomstuartsmith #whichgardening #whichgardeningmagazine #malverleys #matreese #rhs #rhsbridgewater”
Jason, that’s fantastic news and well deserved. Many congratulations xx
Thanks you Elizabeth and Happy New Year to you x